Aqua Room

Aqua Room

Aqua Room

by Elnaz Mansouri

Aqua Room is part of an experimental series in creating videos with Cinema 4D. With each experiment, Elnaz designs a narrative space aiming to convey a different sensory reaction. The project began as an escape from the dark winters in Canada, where she creates an alternative reality to give herself a sense of peace while staying inside during the Covid-19 pandemic. Elnaz is inspired by the effects of ASMR and combines movement, light, and color in her work to evoke specific responses.

The world of Aqua Room is completely submerged underwater. Tiles in various shades of blue creep up the wall like a bathroom floor. The only movement is the flicker of light that follows the ripples in the water. In this scenario, Elnaz draws references to magical realism by blurring the boundary between dream and reality. A lounge chair and a lamp sit inside the walls, completely unaffected by the water that makes the space uninhabitable. Despite this unrealistic environment, Elnaz manages to encapsulate a sense of relaxation. Perhaps, for a moment, you too can exist underwater, surrounded by the gentle motion of waves.

Elnaz Mansouri (b. 1991; Tehran, Iran) is a visual artist practicing in the fields of 3D art and photography. She received a BFA in photography in 2013 from OCAD University in Toronto and she is currently pursuing a MA in fine art from the Iceland University of the Arts. Her work focuses on abstracting and re-imagining landscapes and environments while experimenting with concepts inspired by magical realism. Her most recent works, made in Cinema 4D, incorporate Visual Escapism through dream-like interiors that present a sense of calm to the viewer.

Curator: Amanda Poorvu

More of Elnaz’s work can be found on her Instagram here

The Happy hour exhibition is a part of a collaboration between Artzine and a new MA in Curatorial Practice at the Iceland University of the Arts.

Þessi Happy hour sýning er hluti af samstarfsverkefni Artzine og nýrrar meistaranámsleiðar í sýningagerð við myndlistardeild Listaháskóla Íslands á vorönn 2021.

Katrín I. Hjördísadóttir Jónsdóttir – Afskurður fjarlægra tilfinninga / Scraps of distant emotions

Katrín I. Hjördísadóttir Jónsdóttir – Afskurður fjarlægra tilfinninga / Scraps of distant emotions

Katrín I. Hjördísadóttir Jónsdóttir – Afskurður fjarlægra tilfinninga / Scraps of distant emotions

The footage used is raw, unadultered content where the apparent simplicity crystalizes linearly to become the cornerstone of the artwork. The subjective experience, sensation, and perceptual phenomenon that is approached through this motion picture takes the viewer to the realm of dreams. Inspiration comes from the moments our subconscious highlights from life experiences. The purpose of the subconscious is twofold, it keeps us safe from anguish and trauma and it chooses from our memories the ones that can transmit a strong emotion. Love, guilt, fear, anger and happiness are powerful feelings beyond our understanding and are concealed teachers that guide our life journey. Transcending into the higher self requires a deep understanding of our emotions, embracing reality through memories and listening to the message that hides at plain sight.

The oneiric journey eclipses the triviality of falling asleep breaking all boundaries and the preconceptions you create. This sequence takes the shape of a small river that flows into the ocean—a stream of consciousness that flows into the sea of unconsciousness.
Expectations should not overflow your thoughts. Your thoughts should not override your impulses. Subdue to your inner call and let it overwhelm you. Take a deep breath.
Your mind takes over and your willpower withers. Your eyes get number as your spine shivers. Take a deep breath.

Your surrounding comforts you as you confront your thoughts. Set your memories free, let the nostalgic feeling burn and consume you. Embrace the sacrifice. Be naïve. Absolute peace comes from within.

Alejandro Oria Lombardía

Hrafnkell Sigurðsson – Móttaka 1 / Induction 1

Hrafnkell Sigurðsson – Móttaka 1 / Induction 1

Hrafnkell Sigurðsson – Móttaka 1 / Induction 1

Staður / Place: CenterHotel Þingholt, Þingholtsstræti 3-5, 101 Reykjavík

English below:

Verkið „Móttaka 1“ / „Induction 1“ eftir Hrafnkell Sigurðsson var frumsýnt á 7. Happy Hour opnun artzine vefrits um samtímalist en jafnframt fögnum við því að nú er eitt ár frá því vefritið var sent út á alnetið í fyrsta sinn.

Hrafnkell Sigurðsson fæddist í Reykjavík og lærði í MHÍ áður en hann hélt til Hollands í framhaldsnám. Hrafnkell lauk MFA frá Goldsmiths College í London 2002. Hann hefur búið og starfað í Reykjavík frá 2004.

Frá 1990 hefur ljósmyndin verið helsti miðill Hrafnkells en einnig hefur hann unnið með aðra miðla, eins og vídeó, skúlptúr og innsetningar.

Vefsíða listamannsins:

„Induction 1“ is a new work from the artist Hrafnkell Sigurðsson, premierd at artzine 7. Happy Hour opening where artzine celebrates as well one year of publishing artnews.

Hrafnkell Sigurðsson was born in Reykjavík, where he commenced his studies before proceeding in Maastricht, before moving to London in 1993. He completed his MFA at Goldsmiths College in 2002 before returning to Reykjavík in 2004.

Since 1990 photography has been Hrafnkell Sigurðsson’s principal means, although his oeuvre comprises a variety of other media, including video, sculpture and installation.

Artist website:

Ólöf Helga Helgadóttir – Musteri thermos

Ólöf Helga Helgadóttir – Musteri thermos

Ólöf Helga Helgadóttir – Musteri thermos

Ólöf Helga Helgadóttir er fimmti myndlistarmaðurinn sem sýnir á Happy hour opnun artzine. Í þetta sinn er hún haldin á Kaffibarnum,  Bergstaðarstræti 1.

Fimmta Happy hour opnun artzine var haldin á Kaffibarnum, Bergstaðarstræti 1.

artzine’s Happy hour opening nr. 5 @ Kaffibarinn. 

Musteri thermos

Örfáir myndlistarmenn hafa tæklað Wicked Game með Chris Isaak. 

Ólöf Helga Helgadóttir lauk MFA námi í myndlist frá Slade School of Fine Art í London 2010, BA námi í myndlist frá Listaháskóla Íslands 2005 og örnámi frá Kvikmyndaskóla Íslands 2001. Hún býr og starfar í Reykjavík.

Heimilistæki styðja Happy hour opnun nr. 5

Unnar Örn J. Auðarson – Efnahagsleg áhrif / Economic Impact 2010- 2016

Unnar Örn J. Auðarson – Efnahagsleg áhrif / Economic Impact 2010- 2016

Unnar Örn J. Auðarson – Efnahagsleg áhrif / Economic Impact 2010- 2016

Unnar Örn J. Auðarson er fjórði myndlistarmaðurinn sem sýnir á Happy hour opnun artzine. Í þetta sinn er hún haldin á Kaffi Vinyl Hverfisgötu 76.

Efnahagsleg áhrif er mikið notað hugtak og stór hluti af orðræðu bæði stjórnmálamanna sem og stórfyrirtækja í samtímanum en Efnahagsleg Áhrif var einnig nafn á tímariti sem gefið var út af Upplýsingaþjónustu Bandaríkjanna – The United States Information Agency á árunum 1972- 1990 til að kynna utanríks og efnahagsstefnu Bandaríkjanna.

Unnar Örn J. Auðarson býr og starfar í Reykjavík. Hann lauk MA námi við Listaháskólann í Malmö 2003, og diplómanámi frá Myndlista- og handíðaskóla Íslands 1999. Í myndlist sinni vinnur Unnar Örn með staðreyndir sem og hugsmíð stóru-sögunnar, gefur henni annað samhengi og líf innan veggja myndlistarinnar. Síðasta áratuginn hefur listamaðurinn markvisst unnið bókverk, auk annars prentefnis tengt sýningum sínum.
